
Profiles and mentions of the mid-century modern neighborhoods you love

Eichlers of Shangri-La
Marin's Strawberry Point—where cherished friendships rival spectacular waterfront views
First and Foremost
How light, lines, planes and sightlines provide aesthetic and sensual pleasure
Suburbia in the Sky
San Francisco's Diamond Heights—where there's charm, drama and the most unique Eichlers of all
All In
How organizing and planning at Palo Alto's Greenmeadow preserved its sense of community—and Eichler style too
No Place Like Home
In a SoCal canyon edged with rolling hills, the laid-back Eichler neighborhood of Thousand Oaks echoes the best of mid-century living
Suburbia in the Sky
San Francisco's Diamond Heights—where there's charm, drama and the most unique Eichlers of all
Winning Ways
Studio potter turned retail giant—lifelong San Franciscan Win Ng pioneered abstract ceramics and artful merchandising
Forging Friendships
Palo Alto’s Green Gables—National Register Eichlers savor their rich social scene built on informal traditions
Piece by Piece
Eichler owner Joan Schulze—50 years of superb storytelling in the art of fiber and collage
Unsung Advocates of Mid-Century Modern
Saluting those who strive to preserve our California homes and neighborhoods
Grand Stand in Googletown
Eichlers of Mountain View's Grandmeadow—where 53 houses flourish as homes with a little help from friends
Eichlers of Shangri-La
Marin's Strawberry Point—where cherished friendships rival spectacular waterfront views
Winner's Circle
Falling for houses in the round—offbeat living outside the 'box'
First and Foremost
In the beginning…these were the earliest modern tracts ever built in the United States
Pocketful of Eichlers
Owners of international diversity are producing sweet music at Sunnyvale's Rancho Sans Souci
Taking to the Hills
Small-town feeling and informal ties set the stage for natural friendships among the Eichlers of Terra Linda
Light & Breezy
Marin artist Kristen 'Bucko' Sinn's upbeat persona and playful spirit flow through her MCM-inspired jewelry
Along Mountain View’s streets of Monta Loma—where Eichlers spark a kinship with Likelers
Storyteller in the Sun
Masterful San Francisco artist Serge Gay blends dreams and reality into his unique, personal narrative paintings
Family Tradition
Bigger-than-life figures continue to leave their mark on the Palo Verde Eichlers of Palo Alto