
Profiles and mentions of the mid-century modern neighborhoods you love

The Strengs of Shelfield Oaks - Carmichael
Riverside attractions and tastefully renovated Streng homes harmonize with Shelfield Oaks' quiet charm
The Strengs of Shelfield Oaks - Carmichael
Riverside attractions and tastefully renovated Streng homes harmonize with Shelfield Oaks' quiet charm
The Eichlers of Rancho San Miguel - Walnut Creek
This special East Bay Eichler neighborhood celebrates its 50th anniversary and eyes historic designation
Sunny Days at Rancho Verde - Sunnyvale
Eichler owners of Rancho Verde come together to protect and celebrate their neighborhood
Sunny Days at Rancho Verde - Sunnyvale
Eichler owners of Rancho Verde come together to protect and celebrate their neighborhood
The Cliff May Ranchos of Rancho Estates - Long Beach
Newcomers bring a wave of recognition and design flair to this special SoCal neighborhood of Cliff May Ranchos
The Cliff May Ranchos of Rancho Estates - Long Beach
Newcomers bring a wave of recognition and design flair to this special SoCal neighborhood of Cliff May Ranchos
The Storybook Eichlers of Primewood - Sunnyvale
Tight-knit families and a picturesque air bring new life to Sunnyvale's 35-home Primewood development
The Storybook Eichlers of Primewood - Sunnyvale
Tight-knit families and a picturesque air bring new life to Sunnyvale's 35-home Primewood development
'Living Conditioned' Homes of Northridge - Los Angeles
Distinctive architecture, enthusiastic homeowners turn this Palmer & Krisel neighborhood into something special
'Living Conditioned' Homes of Northridge - Los Angeles
Distinctive architecture, enthusiastic homeowners turn this Palmer & Krisel neighborhood into something special
The Magnificent Moderniques of Mar Vista - Los Angeles
Historic, well-preserved, and family friendly, modern master Gregory Ain's 52-home Mar Vista Tract is a place like no other
The Magnificent Moderniques of Mar Vista - Los Angeles
Historic, well-preserved, and family friendly, modern master Gregory Ain's 52-home Mar Vista Tract is a place like no other
The Eichlers of Lucas Valley - San Rafael
In a majestic setting, this Marin community watches over their Eichler homes, hills, and the good life
The Eichlers of Lucas Valley - San Rafael
In a majestic setting, this Marin community watches over their Eichler homes, hills, and the good life
The Return of Vista Las Palmas - Palm Springs
Once the 'Beverly Hills of Palm Springs,' Vista Las Palmas makes its return decked in mid-century splendor
The Return of Vista Las Palmas - Palm Springs
Once the 'Beverly Hills of Palm Springs,' Vista Las Palmas makes its return decked in mid-century splendor
Family-First Fairhaven - San Jose
Newcomers to the tiny, obscure San Jose Eichler neighborhood aren't just welcomed—they're adopted
Family-First Fairhaven - San Jose
Newcomers to the tiny, obscure San Jose Eichler neighborhood aren't just welcomed—they're adopted
The Free-Sprited Eichlers of Fairhaven - Orange
These free-spirited Southern California Eichlers are in the midst of a renaissance tied to pride and camaraderie