
Profiles and mentions of the mid-century modern neighborhoods you love

Greenridge - Castro Valley
Little-known yet in the 'middle of everywhere,' these Eichlers light up the East Bay hills with community feeling
Greenridge - Castro Valley
Little-known yet in the 'middle of everywhere,' these Eichlers light up the East Bay hills with community feeling
Playing With Space
Over a 60-year career, architect Ray Kappe used custom homes to pioneer techniques for mass housing
Bike Town Charm: University Estates - Davis
Attention to function, not fashion, helps to preserve the Davis neighborhood's 400 Strengs
Bike Town Charm: University Estates - Davis
Attention to function, not fashion, helps to preserve the Davis neighborhood's 400 Strengs
Modern Preservation: Streetscape Smarts
How California's mid-century modern tracts are safeguarding their unique architectural character
Modern Architecture: Pyramid Power
Swayed by their architect to go New Age, Streng brothers have a cosmic energy fling
The Streng 'Atrium'
Transforming Eichler's atrium vision into 'Streng magic' under the hot Sacramento sun
Renewing River City Commons - South Natomas, Sacramento
Homeowner pride mounts as locals spiff up once-scruffy Strengs of River City Commons
Renewing River City Commons - South Natomas, Sacramento
Homeowner pride mounts as locals spiff up once-scruffy Strengs of River City Commons
Carter Sparks Magic
Drama, humor, and exoticism meld with redwood warmth for architect's quirky brand of modernism
The Strengs of Shelfield Oaks - Carmichael
Hidden jewel: where riverside attractions and tastefully renovated Strengs blend in harmony
Wilhaggin Estates - Sacramento
Streng life, wildlife, and easy living flow in harmony with the nearby American River
Wilhaggin Estates - Sacramento
Streng life, wildlife, and easy living flow in harmony with the nearby American River
Greater Sacramento Strengs: Valley of the Atriums
Who are the Streng brothers—and what's the story behind their fascinating modern homes?
Park at the Heart: Evergreen Commons - Arden Arcade -Sacramento
Sacramento's Evergreen Commons shines with communal spirit thanks to its vital village green
Signature Singular Sparks
Using fantasy, surprise and whimsy, Carter Sparks' lively homes are like nothing else
SoCal Modern: At Home in the New Frontier
In a year of 'Sixties Turn 50' celebration—touring the bold space-age spectrum of SoCal's modern residential architecture
The Eichlers of South Land Park - Sacramento
Eichler failed to crack Sacto's housing market in the '50s, but folks there love his homes today
The Strengs of Shelfield Oaks - Carmichael
Riverside attractions and tastefully renovated Streng homes harmonize with Shelfield Oaks' quiet charm