
Profiles and mentions of the mid-century modern neighborhoods you love

Forgotten by the Bay
In Foster City, curving streets, lagoons and a mixed bag of housing conceal the commonality shared by 200 Eichler homes
Roaring Back
Once lost, then found—how mid-century modern caught fire and raged on as today’s red-hot revival
Morepark on the Move
Inside San Jose’s earliest Eichler development—where enthusiastic newcomers turn to the past for inspiration
Lauan's Lost Love
Eichler Homes' original walls of mahogany paneling—once glowing in every home—are hopelessly fading out of sight
King of the Flat-tops
Bay Area legend Earl 'Flat Top' Smith built 25,000 low-cost homes for the working class—and influenced Joe Eichler along the way
Grand Guru of Clay
Once one of Los Angeles' top mid-century artists—and then forgotten—Raul Angulo Coronel looks back with newfound fame
Cleaning Up Your Act
Professional organizers share strategies for home decluttering that lighten the load on mood and health
Welcome to Paradise
Eichlers of Los Altos' Fallen Leaf Park turn to historic designation to keep their world tranquil and pristine
Meet the Mackays
With houses designed by Anshen and Allen, Eichler rival Mackay Homes and its MCM neighborhoods are winning new fans today
House as Cinema Star
Enticing Hollywood with light, openness and style, modern homes have become faves for TV and movie shoots
Hit the Road
Hot-spot stops for time travelers on a California road-trip getaway
"Why Not Just Tear It Down?"
Reckoning with the 'teardown point of view'—as neighborhoods erode and homes are going, going, gone
"Why Not Just Tear It Down?"
Reckoning with the 'teardown point of view'—as neighborhoods erode and homes are going, going, gone
Little Gem with History
Caressed by hills and a pleasant ocean breeze, little-known Niguel West glories in its modern roots
What's Become of the Holy Grail?
The first architect-designed Eichlers, Sunnyvale Manor Addition languishes today with no historic plaque or neighborhood connection
Road to Bohemia
From Sausalito to Big Sur—California's free-spirited artists of the mid-century created magical worlds on a troubled planet
In the midst of teardowns and imposing, new homes, Menlo Park’s Eichler owners still manage to cherish living modern
Home of the Friendly Bargain
After decades of obscurity, the spirited Eichlers of Concord are looking up—in the face of Mount Diablo's looming peaks
Hillside Haven
For 100 Eichler owners, the good life is low-key living with big-time views high in the hills of Burlingame's Mills Estates
Paths to Pleasure
In bike-friendly, eco-conscious North Davis, a neighborhood of 200 Streng homes finds common ground on the greenbelt