
Razing the Roof
How decades of community building led the Fairglen Eichlers of San Jose to National Register success
Cold Cold Art
West Coast glassmaker Ethan Stern explores his 'original voice' with a keen, modern eye on the past
Quake-Up Call
Protecting home and family with reinforcements and supplies to safely survive the 'big one' coming our way
America's recreational oasis—the swimming pool comes of age in mid-century California
Eichlers in Bloom
Clusters of tall trees and extensive trails define the peaceful 34-home enclave known as Walnut Grove
Doors to Adore
Where to turn when your home’s front entry hardware cries out for a revival of mid-century modern flair
Type that Talks
From Helvetica to Futura to Neutraface— the expressive aura of modern lettering
Lunchbox Love
Nostalgia, art and history keep fans passionate about the metal pail that once defined their identity
Eichler’s Last Stand
Los Arboles Addition stays caring and connected in a planned mix of Palo Alto one- and two-story Eichlers
Pushing the Limits
Chris Trueman’s innovative paintings may be abstract but they still explore what’s real in the world we live in
Not Long for This World?
Teardown threats loom for these twelve special California modern sites that hang on for dear life
Sweet Sixteen
Neighbors build friendships and retain a distinctive rural feeling along Monte Sereno’s tranquil Eichler cul-de-sac
Dreamscapes of Elegance
Charles Schridde and the mid-century ad men of Motorola—staging the greatest modern homes the world has never seen
Dazed & Confused
Inflamed Eichler owners and remodeling pros alike facing a quagmire over California’s Title 24 building regulations
Why Wait 'til It's Too Late?
Staving off threatening neighborhood changes—before the inevitable wakeup call hits home
Hillside to the Stars
San Mateo Highlands—where Eichler’s largest tract turns longtime neighbors into lifetime friends
Destiny’s Calling
From Matisse to mid-century modern—East Bay painter Fernando Reyes wows fans with his joyous abstractions
At Home with the Eichlers
Tracing the revealing story behind Joe and Lillian’s 50 years living in 14 different places around the Bay
Walls that Sing
How lively accent panels awaken whitewashed and damaged interiors with renewed personality
How the thrill of the hunt for mid-century paraphernalia moves collectors to put a personal stamp on their homes